Worlds Collide Release Update!

Well, it’s a good news/bad news scenario for the release date of Worlds Collide. I’ll give you the bad news first, because hearing bad news first always seems to make the good news seem gooder (is that word?). Unfortunately, Worlds Collide is still being edited so I won’t be able to meet the anticipated January 31st release date 😦 My bad. I’m new to the publishing industry and didn’t realize how much time is required to edit a manuscript the size of mine (over 115,000 words!). However, I’d rather get it right than release a novel that hasn’t been properly polished.

Now for the good news. I’ve had feedback from the beta readers and I’ve done a lot to incorporate their comments into the manuscript. The story is much richer now and the flow between Worlds Collide and Book 3 (yes, I’ve already started writing the third book!) is stronger. And because the release of Worlds Collide is delayed, I’ve started writing another satellite story entitled, “Leisel Holt”, which is about – you guessed it – Leisel Holt. Like the other satellites I’ve written, this story will have cross-over elements to Worlds Collide. So if you haven’t read the satellites yet, you might want to read them before WC is released. You can find the satellites on this blog. Just look at the menu directly under the big, glowy “Sunset Rising” header above, click on Satellite Stories and choose which one you want to start reading. I recommend to start with #1, Reyes Crowe 🙂

I wanted to give a huge THANK YOU! to all readers who gave Sunset Rising a review on Amazon!! Reviews give a book an enormous boost in the rankings and they helped put SR in the top 25 paid Amazon bestseller list in 3 different categories for three weeks running – it was actually in the top 5 for sci-fi action/adventure romance for two straight weeks 🙂 Reviews also open doors to marketing venues, and lots were opened for me. Again, thank you to everyone who gave me a review and recommended SR to their friends!!

I’d also like to give a big shout-out of appreciation to everyone who participated in the Worlds Collide ARC Giveaway! I sent out a pre-edited version of the novel to all the winners last Sunday. I’ve already heard back from one winner just today and she said she, “loved, loved, LOVED it!” This makes me VERY happy 🙂 Here’s the official winner list:

Fizza Y.
Elise V.
Kristi M.
Rachel N.
Sarah Y.
Bettyjo Z.
Sandra G.
Wendy H.
Linda J.
Amand M.

Enjoy your week! I’ll get to back to work on the satellite story and promise to keep you posted on Worlds Collide.

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